Fifi Release Haul System

Solo hauling while fixed line rehearsing a multipitch route

This key tactic keeps the weight off your harness, even when you don’t have someone to release the bag below!

System Overview

Hauling a small bag with you on a multipitch rehearsal day can be very useful for carrying extra rack, water, food and layers at the anchor below you. 

5mm 40m Tag Line & Day bag

Hanging your bag off a Fifi hook lets you self release and foot haul your gear upwards.

Fifi hook setup for solo hauling

Day bag setup for self release 

Which Fifi hook to go with?

The Petzl Fifi hook has a slightly larger top hole to allow room for a small quick link.

The BD Fifi hook is smaller and has enough room for thin accessory cord.

Whichever piece of gear you go with, it's important to have a backup knot with the rope itself. This way if the accessory chord or Fifi itself were to break, the bag won't fall to the ground.


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